Coco's Story

14 Dec 2023

One-year-old Coco arrived at Battersea when her previous owners could no longer look after her. During Coco’s initial health check with Battersea’s skilled clinic team, she was discovered to be heavily pregnant. Coco’s medical history revealed an old injury, a suspected fractured pelvis, sustained when Coco had fallen from a window in her previous home, so Battersea vets anticipated a potentially difficult birth for Coco.

Coco was placed with Tina Moore, an accomplished foster carer of over 140 mums and kittens, so that she could prepare herself for the arrival of her kittens in a peaceful environment and have an experienced person on hand to intervene in the event of any complications.

After only five days on foster, Coco sadly gave birth to one stillborn kitten. As Coco’s labour continued, foster carer Tina could sense that something was not right and rushed Coco to the emergency vet during the night. Three further kittens were born naturally but it soon became clear that Coco would need an emergency Caesarean if the remaining two undelivered kittens were to survive.


Fostering gives you the chance to care for one of our animals in our care and have a comfortable environment to thrive in before they find their forever homes.

Coco’s surgery was a success and she returned to her foster home with her five healthy kittens the following day. However, Coco was not producing enough milk to feed all five kittens, so Battersea's Fostering department quickly stepped in to find Battersea staff members who could provide round the clock care hand rearing four of the kittens.

The kittens have gone to loving homes and after a little recovery time on foster, Coco too has now found the perfect home in Surrey.


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