- Age 10 years, 9 months
- Living with children Can live with teenagers
- Breed domestic short-hair
- Living with dogs Prefer To Live Alone
- Sex Female
- Living with cats Not To Live With
- Size
- Ideal home location Any Location
- Centre Battersea
- Reference 414409
More about DORA
Dora the explorer is ready to find her new home.
Dora is the perfect sidekick for any explorations and has even been known to check out the shower to check all is safe and ok for her humans.
Dora is the queen of cuddles and loves nothing more than cosying up on a fleece blanket and watching a good drama on the tv.
Dora would love a home with a cat flap so she can continue to explore. She likes her outside time but also loves her people time which to us makes her the perfect girl!
She would prefer older children around teenage ages as the smaller humans can sometimes spook her and stop the explorations.
If you are interested in rehoming Dora, please email us at or call us on 0207 627 9279
She is currently living at a foster home, so prospective owners would be able to meet her there rather than at our Battersea centre.