  • Age 7 years, 4 months
  • Living with children Prefer to live with adults only
  • Breed saluki
  • Living with dogs Prefer To Live Alone
  • Sex Male
  • Living with cats Not To Live With
  • Size Large
  • Ideal home location Away From Inner City
  • Centre Battersea
  • Reference 406790

More about GEEZER

Geezer came to Battersea due to a change in his owners' circumstances. Since coming in, Geezer has shown to be a very gentle and worried soul. He has found kennel life quite difficult, but has been coming out of his shell since going on foster.

Due to Geezer's worried side, we feel he would be better in an adult only home. He finds sudden noises scary, but he is very affectionate and seeks reassurance from his people when he is worried.

Geezer is looking to be the only dog in the home. While he has lived with another dog before, they didn't always get on and were split when they came to Battersea. Geezer doesn't gain a lot from the company of other dogs, preferring to avoid them when possible. He much prefers attention from his favourite people.

Geezer is looking for a quiet home, in a quiet location. On foster, as he has settled in, he has become more accustomed to unfamiliar noises, and his reactions have become less intense.

Geezer has shown that he is a gentle soul who will need patient owners to give him the space and time to come out of his shell. He may take a little while to settle in, but he is well worth the wait. If you feel you have the right home for this diamond Geezer, get in touch today!!

If you think that Geezer might just be the companion you are searching for, then please contact the Rehoming team in London ASAP, on, providing an overview of your previous experience with dogs, current set up and how you can meet his needs.

If you have not yet registered to rehome , please do so on our website before getting in touch about a specific dog.