How to teach your dog to settle – Transcript

Hi my name is Ali, I'm a canine behaviourist and training advisor here at Battersea and today we're going to look at ways to settle in your new dog. 

Getting a new dog is a very exciting time but moving into a new environment full of different smells and new people can be a little daunting for a lot of dogs. So here are a few tips that can help your new dog settle into your home.

Tip 1, don't pressure them. The first few days are an important time, this is when you start building your dog's trust in you and help them get used to their new environment and routine. You're essentially getting to know each other so you should focus on helping your dog feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Keep the pressure off them during this time and don't expect them to do too much straight away. It's natural to be excited about finally having your dog home but they need to get used to you first so you should avoid having visitors for the first few days at least.

Tip 2, give them a safe space. To help your dog get used to their environment in their own time make sure they have a safe space where they can take themselves away to if they need some quiet time. This could be an open crate with some blankets over it or just a comfy bed in a quiet place. This space should be somewhere away from people where they can be safely left alone. Make sure everyone in the household is aware to not disturb the dog if they choose to take themselves to their safe space.

Tip 3, start as you mean to go on. If there are any household rules that you want to stick to it's important that these are established from day one as a bad habit is hard to break once started. For example, if you don't want your dog on the sofa that rule needs to be in place from day one. Instead play with them on the floor to teach them that fun things happen off the sofa. If there are any areas of your house that are less safe for your dog or you would prefer they didn't go into you can use baby gates to keep specific areas off limits. Or keep certain doors shut to prevent curious noses poking their way in.

Tip 4 let them settle at their own pace. Whilst some will make themselves at home immediately and act like they've been there forever others may take a bit more time to adjust especially for the first few days. The important thing is to allow them to settle into their new environment at their own pace. If initially they want to spend some time by themselves that's fine they'll let you know when they're ready for more interaction.

Those are our tips on how to settle your new dog into your home. If you'd like to learn more about how to teach your dog the Battersea way, visit our website follow our channels and make sure you hit the subscribe button below.