How to Keep Your Dog From Getting Spooked this Halloween

18 Oct 2022

Halloween may be celebrated as the scariest night of the year, but it doesn’t have to be that way for your dog. While the celebrations provide plenty of fun for the family, it’s important to make sure that your pet is having fun, too.

Nathalie Ingham, one of Battersea’s Canine Behaviour and Training Managers has shared our top tips on how to keep your dog happy this Halloween.


It may be tempting to put your dog in costume, but this isn’t something that comes naturally to them. Dogs have their own beautiful coats of fur, so there’s not much need for any extras.

If you do decide that you are going to dress your dog up, make sure that their costume is comfortable and doesn’t restrict them at all. Ensure that you don’t worry or hurt them when you are putting their costume on or taking it off.

As it’s a legal requirement for your dog to wear a collar and tag, something as simple as a neckerchief or bandana could be the best costume choice for them.


A constant flow of guests to your door could stress your dog out and cause them to bark, especially if they like to alert you when guests come to your home on a regular day.

Certain costumes could also scare your dog, making even the most familiar people look like a threat.

To comfort your dog, find them their own private space; a spare room with a blanket covered table or a crate can offer the perfect space for them to keep away from all the hustle and bustle.

You could also distract them with a long-lasting treat or chew and keep the radio or TV on to reduce the sudden impact of the doorbell going off.

Alternatively, you could eliminate the sound of trick-or-treaters altogether by putting up a sign outside your home asking visitors not to knock on your door and leave them a bucket of sweets to take from instead.


If you’re opening and closing your door to trick-or-treaters all evening your dog could easily escape. Make sure that your dog is microchipped and their details up to date, as well as wearing a tagged collar so that you can be quickly reunited if they do escape.


Halloween is a great excuse for humans to eat plenty of sweets. But remember to keep your pet away from any human treats, as many of them are poisonous to dogs.

Chocolate, artificial sweetener (xylitol) and alcohol could all be fatal if your dog consumes them. Even if your pet gets hold of a non-toxic sweet, its wrapping could be a choking hazard or cause a blockage in their intestines. If your dog has eaten anything that they shouldn’t have, always act immediately and take them to the vets.