Collection tin application form

Collection tin application form

Thank you for choosing to fundraise for Battersea and requesting a collection tin. Please complete the form below and ensure you have read the terms and conditions before submitting. Once your request has been received, a tin and a letter of authorisation will be sent to you in the post.

Are you an individual or an organisation?
Your Details
Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

1. I acknowledge that I will be responsible for the collection tin, making sure it is always secure and that the seal is not tampered with.

2. I understand that any sum collected is on behalf of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, and I will return this amount when I have finished collecting or the tin/bucket is full.

3. I agree to return the collection tin/bucket to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home when I have finished using it.

4. Once my collection is over I will open the tin/bucket in front of a witness and count up the money. I will deposit the money into my account and send a cheque or my card details to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.

5. I will request new seals from the Community Team at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home before I start a new collection.

6. If the tin/bucket is lost or stolen, I will let Battersea Dogs & Cats Home know immediately and in the event of theft, will provide them with a Crime Reference Number from the local police station.

7. I will not make door-to-door or street collections without a permit from the relevant authorities. Where permission has been given, I won’t collect in an aggressive manner.

8. If desired, site owners or site holders can be provided with a receipt that contains the address of the site, the box number, the date and the amount collected.

9. The collector must send Battersea Dogs & Cats Home the full sum of all monies taken from all tins without deduction of expenses or fees, unless specifically agreed with Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.

10. By completing this form I confirm that I am over 18.

Terms and conditions confirmation
Your Privacy Rights

The information you’ve provided to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and Battersea Dogs’ Home Ltd (Battersea) will be treated with respect and used in line with your instructions on this form. We will also use your information for analysis and administration purposes, and to communicate with you by post under our legitimate interest. 
If you would like us not to contact you by post, or want to change the way we communicate with you at any time, please contact our Supporter Services team on 0300 323 1216,, or by writing to: Supporter Services Team, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, 4 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4AA. Further information about how we protect and use your personal data is available in our Privacy Policy.

Keep In Touch

Only with your support can we continue to be here for every dog and cat. That's why we are asking you to let us keep in touch. By choosing to hear from Battersea and our trading company, you’ll receive behind the scenes news, updates about our animals, general information about rehoming, volunteering and various ways you can support Battersea, including fundraising, events and campaigning. You’re free to change your mind at any time.

Email opt-in
Phone opt-in
SMS opt-in