In loving memory of Higgins

In loving memory of Higgins

In loving memory of Higgins
1999 - 2014

Farewell Higgins - see you again one day, my best friend.

I had been thinking about getting a dog for quite some time, although other than knowing that he or she needed to be a small to medium sized dog to suit the property I lived in at the time, I had no pre-conceived ideas of what I was actually looking for.

With this in mind, I visited Battersea back in 1999. Upon arrival (as I remember), I was told how the selection process happened and with an open mind I begun the hunt. I asked if Battersea currently had any puppies for rehoming as I had not seen any during my walk about.

I was informed that the puppies were kept in a separate building, the kind lady said that she would pop into the building and ask if one last person could pop in. All of a sudden, the lady reappeared beside me and with outstretched hands said: “How do you feel about this little man?” In the palm of her hands was this little few week old black, white and tan Jack Russell Terrier looking a little tired and somewhat bewildered.

Now what person in their right mind could turn down this offer! My response was immediate, of course I want him. Well, a short while later with my new best friend to be in hand, I left Battersea to begin a new chapter in both of our lives. Higgins grew up quickly and it was evident very early on (when he climbed out of his night time pen to get into bed with me) that he was a very clever chap. I took him at the earliest possibility to puppy training/socialising classes. I always knew that certain dogs are very clever, but was not prepared for how clever Higgins was. He became the most obedient and the cleverest dog I have ever had the blessing to meet and Higgins and I became best mates, wanting to spend as much time with each other as we could.

Well, we had a fabulous 15 long years together, but as all pet lovers know, eventually and all too soon, the time comes when you and your best ever friend have to be separated. Higgins departed this world in February 2014, which will be etched in my mind for the rest of my life. It is two years on now from that date and yet still my heart aches for the loss of what can only be described as my best ever friend.

That little guy gave me unconditional love every day of his life and I hope that he felt I did him justice in return. I will always miss this little man, but, perhaps someday he and I will meet again. Finally, I would like to thank Battersea for instigating those 15 wonderful years I had with Higgins and perhaps one day, I will repeat this process and begin another new chapter of my life with a new best friend, although Higgins, you will never be forgotten.

Loved by ADRIAN.